9 Biggest Lies About Automated PPC Management – Part 3
6. Automated PPC management will bid down the keywords until nothing is left Not true! Historically that was the case with many of...
The Finch Blog
6. Automated PPC management will bid down the keywords until nothing is left Not true! Historically that was the case with many of...
If you are using a vendor, ask them why they aren’t doing automated PPC, and they will probably tell you one of the lies listed...
Here are 3 more lies that we’ve heard about automated PPC. 3. Automated PPC management reorganizes and destroys my campaign...
8. Automated PPC management only works to boost performance once Not true! The initial improvement in performance usually takes...
In order to justify spending money on paid search (PPC), you must understand the value of the desired result. For example, what is...
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