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5 Questions to Ask an Agency

There’s always that time of year where your agency contracts are coming to the end and you are looking to see if the there is a better option than what…

Jared Miyasaki

Mar 02, 2017

There’s always that time of year where your agency contracts are coming to the end and you are looking to see if the there is a better option than what you have. Don’t fall into the trap of just going through the motions by extending that contract and hoping you are getting what you should out of your AdWords campaign. If you know the answers to these following questions from your PPC Agency, then you should know if you are getting optimal performance from your campaigns. 

  • Is there a long term contract? If you are in a contract, who does that benefit?  A contract is in place to benefit the Agency. The performance should speak for the work that is being done in the campaign. If it is below what you expected, you should always have the option to leave at anytime. You can’t afford to keep losing money to a bad performing campaign because of a contract.
  • What other services do you provide?  You hire an agency to do your Google AdWords campaign. You invest a big part of your marketing budget into the campaign. Why would you want a company that would have focus on something else besides your campaign? You need 100% focus on your Google AdWords campaign in bringing in revenue for you company. Don’t let an agency tell you the performance of other services and skim over the performance of your AdWords campaign.
  • What is your strategy for my campaigns? There shouldn’t be an agency that doesn’t have a roadmap in place and metrics to show you the performance of your campaigns. Unfortunately, there are many companies that will be very generic on their approach and give you best practices.  Your roadmap should be detailed in what to expect in the strategy of your campaign growth.  Ask for details of what is taking place and hold them responsible for the performance of your campaign.
  • How do you measure success?  Are you in business to make money? You make money from selling products for more than they cost you (this includes fees to Google and agency). Your agency has to know these and the measure against this.  It is easy to see if your campaigns are making money for your business. If this isn’t the measure of success to a campaign, you should quickly find another agency.
  • Why? You need to be like the 3-year old kid that will always keep asking “Why.” Why do they manage the campaign the way they do? The answer should always have a focus on your revenue and results, which will generate more profit for your business. 

Here at Finch, we are looking at companies AdWords campaigns that have very little work being done to make it profitable for the company.  Finch does a deep analysis that will walk through specific items in your AdWords campaigns that will improve your campaign. Reach out to Finch and see how they answer these must ask questions to any agency.

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